My start in Earning Online

Plan, Invest, Earn, Re-Invest, Earn More.

Just because I give you advice, It doesn’t mean I know more than you. It just means I’ve done more stupid shit.

Daniël Sijtsma



The reasons for me to start in the world of earning online are probably the same as for most of you.

To earn more money and have more free time to spend it in.

To work when I want to and get paid for my efforts.

Of course the reasons may vary. For one it may be losing their job, for another because they can barely make ends meet with what they earn and another simply just wants have more holidays and more freedom.

For me, it was the upcoming pension that showed me that I will soon have more freedom to do the things I want to do but that my pension will not be enough to do so. Besides, I will be at an age where there will be little time left to enjoy it for a long time.

So then I decided to take that piece of the future into my own hands and look for a solution to earn more so that I can stop working earlier and earn so much that I can enjoy it too.

So I Google “make money”.

And then the world of Network Marketing opened up to me.

I want to prepare you for the fact that there are really many possibilities to make some extra money via the internet and even replace your income with it, but you must have seen that already otherwise you wouldn’t have ended up on this website.

I have made a separate page in which I briefly describe the most common possibilities if you would like some have some information on that point.

It is a maze of possibilities from which you can choose. Your choice will be made based on what you like most and whether you are a team player or a loner. Don’t just look at how much the model will bring in, but also what you will have to do for it.

And don’t think you don’t have to do anything, as many ads say.  It’s not called netWORKmarketing for nothing.  But in this work it is true that the more you do, the more you earn, so you really get paid for your effort.

Don’t step into something you have no affinity with, you are looking for a job you like or not!


The most important warning I want to give you is this;
NEVER invest with money that you can’t really miss and NEVER take out a loan just to be able to start, even if they say that you will earn your investment back after a short time.

Use the experience of others and do not try to reinvent the wheel.

In the world of earning online, I have come across several gurus and motivational speakers who will tell you how it all works.

All of them agree that if you want to make good money in this world, you should look for someone who is already making a lot of money and ask them how they are doing it.

It is a good investment of time if you are going to listen to this kind of motivational speakers. In any case, it has helped me on my way in network marketing, but above all it has taught me to look at myself and my fellow man differently. On the page “Lessons in Network Marketing” you will find a list of links where I got my information and inspiration.


Meanwhile, I am now (sept-2The most important warning I want to give you is this;

NEVER invest with money that you can’t really miss and NEVER take out a loan just to be able to start, even if they say that you will earn your investment back after a short time.

Use the experience of others and do not try to reinvent the wheel.

In the world of earning online, I have come across several gurus and motivational speakers who will tell you how it all works.

All of them agree that if you want to make good money in this world, you should look for someone who is already making a lot of money and ask them how they are doing it.

It is a good investment022) about 4 years in this business.
I have made many beginners’ mistakes, also trying to invent the wheel myself, I have listened to experienced but not acted accordingly.  I also know that this is the reason why I am not yet there where I want to be.

But now the course has been set and, with the help of people who know what I am worth and what I can do, I have my goal in sight.

In the maze of companies that offer you their business models on the Internet, I have made a few choices, companies that have proven their reliability. Around them, I am still trying out new models, just as a back-up or because it is fun to do so.

My tactics in this: I make sure I have a portfolio of at least 10 income sources. That way you spread the risk and you always have a source of (extra) income. I have about 3 active, 3 passive/active and the rest passive (explanation passive & active ).

This is my current portfolio, if you are interested, just click on the company name for inside info there and you can also send me an email.

Final tip: be well informed before you get involved!

Good luck on your way to a better life!

Meanwhile, I am now (sept-2022) about 4 years in this business.
I have made many beginners’ mistakes, also trying to invent the wheel myself, I have listened to experienced but not acted accordingly.  I also know that this is the reason why I am not yet there where I want to be.

But now the course has been set and, with the help of people who know what I am worth and what I can do, I have my goal in sight.

In the maze of companies that offer you their business models on the Internet, I have made a few choices, companies that have proven their reliability. Around them, I am still trying out new models, just as a back-up or because it is fun to do so.

My tactics in this: I make sure I have a portfolio of at least 10 income sources. That way you spread the risk and you always have a source of (extra) income. I have about 3 active, 3 passive/active and the rest passive (explanation passive & active ).

This is my current portfolio, if you are interested, just click on the company name for inside info there and you can also send me an email.

Final tip: be well informed before you get involved!

Good luck on your way to a better life!