Different Ways of Earning

Nine basic ways all with their own methode

On Background (passief) 

Businesses that you can run in the ‘background’ and therefore do not have to do much yourself. These are often investments, fixed-term deposits or cryptocurrency mining (digital coins such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin etc).


In these companies, it is often only about the advertising space. You can earn this in the same way as with revenue sharing. You click a number of ads per day and receive advertising space and money (cash earning). With this money you can then upgrade your membership and earn even more advertising space and cash earning.

Social Media

On these platforms, people are busy sharing everything that concerns them with the rest of the world. People talk about hobbies, work, food, health, post advertisements, advertise their company or someone else’s company, post photos and videos. On average we spend 2 to 3 hours a day doing this! Without us earning any money. It costs us time and MBs.
It’s different with some social media sites. They do pay you for everything you do and some have a nice system linked to it with which you can also earn something, the so-called Matrix.


Wallet Accounts

A wallet is simply a digital safe to which only you have access. Some Exchanges offer wallets but there are also plenty wallets without these exchanges.
You can choose for an internal wallet, on the internet but also external wallets, this is a kind of external hard disk where you can store your coins.

Affiliate Exchanges

An exchange can be seen as a large department store, where various virtual coins are available. Instead of having to visit various shops to check out the cryptocurrency on offer, you can immediately go to an exchange for many different types of cryptocurrency. This makes the exchange a trading platform for cryptocurrencies. On the exchange, you can also follow the value of the coins.
I have good experiences with what I offer but if you want more choice and knowledge, this is a good site: http://www.cryptocurrencytip.nl/wat-is-een-exchange/

The possibility to purchase digital coins (cryptocurrency). These are coins that are often created by companies and sometimes by individuals. This is called mining. It is expected that crypto will replace hard currency (fiat) in the near future. The best known crypto coins are currently Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin. But the supply of these coins is enormous and still growing every day. The software required for mining (creating) them is rather expensive for us as individuals. However, companies offer the possibility to purchase the crypto while it is still under development or already on the market. You can also participate in the development process yourself. With the already existing crypto, you can then speculate on the exchanges. This is called trading. Speculating on the right moment, buying or selling, can be quite difficult and requires a lot of knowledge and experience to do so with as little loss as possible. That’s why there are several companies that offer the possibility to make use of experienced traders and/or Artificial Inteligence Bot’s. You invest in a trading package and the company does the work for you for a small percentage of your deposit.


Retail businesses are about reselling and/or using products themselves. The choice here is wide. However, these are the earning models where you need to have an affinity with the product. The work is simple and something you actually already do, sharing a good experience, only you don’t get paid for it.

The concept: Use-Talk-Demo; you use the product, share your experience and show how it works.

Revenue Sharing

This type of company or platform is all about using your money to buy advertising packages. With these you can then place advertisements and click on advertisements (paid to watch or paid to click). The packages come in different forms and with different profit margins. Most require you to click 10 ads every 24 hours. This often takes less than 10 minutes a day.

A payment processor is a system that allows you to transfer money via the Internet. Your own bank, for example, has a processor so that you can transfer money from one account to another. Not all processors work equally fast and with all currencies or cryptos. You will have to check if the ones I offer are suitable for your purpose.